How Do You Need To Handle SBI PO Previous Year Papers?

SBI stands for The State Bank Of India which conducts all sorts of SBI exams. It is known for administering the SBI PO exam every year to find out the eligible candidate in the context of the Probationary office. This article goes ahead to put more light on it along with SBI PO previous year paperoriented solutions. SBI PO notifications are released accordingly.

Attempting previous year’s questions paper is considered quite important in the context of SBI PO both exams whether it is a prelim or mains examination. Generally, this question paper comes up with a total number of 100 question papers following three main sections in the important exam.

The previous year’s question paper comes up with all three prominent sections called verbal ability, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning section. The question paper is known for the most three different parts following the exam pattern. Going with the question paper will make you have detailed solutions and have a better understanding of the exam pattern. To get a high score in the SBI PO result, you need to give enough time and effort so that you could have your dream job. Let us check out how you need to handle the previous year’s papers.

BI PO previous year paper

What Steps You Need To Consider In The Context Of PO Previous Year Papers –

Are you going to attend the previous year’s papers? You must go with the simple methods indeed –

  • First, you need to go through the entire paper. Do read it carefully instead of hurrying. The more time you give, the more you understand in an ideal manner. After understanding the entire question paper, you will have a bit more clear mind while solving the question paper.
  • You need to create an ideal mental plan so that you could properly attempt the questions. After reading, you need to prepare an ideal plan in your head of how you are going to attend this question paper.
  • You need to give yourself more time and find what question you want to attend first and which questions you want to leave. You need to make up your mind according to the Do not attempt questions if you are not sure about it. You need to go with questions about what you are sure about it.
  • If you are now aware of the answer then you need to skip the question indeed. You must not attend the questions if you are not sure 90-100% sure about it. Go with the questions only if you are sure about it. This way will help you a lot to keep you free from confusion.
  • Once you accomplish your papers, you need to check the amount of time taken. The best thing is that you will be having the best experience while doing it. You need to understand how much time it would be taking. Divide your time accordingly so that you would be feeling better indeed.
  • The next thing you need to kick off moderating your answer in an ideal manner. Keep yourself at the calmness and go ahead with needed confidence.
  • Then you need to go through each and another incorrect answer so that you would not be repeating the same mistakes while attending the exam.


The Banking Sector is one of the reputed sectors to join in. SBI PO is regarded as one of the most liked jobs in this field. A million candidates all across the country apply for this exam to get a dream job.

Candidates must be kicked off practicing this previous year’s exam to understand the entire syllabus. It helps to get good at all aspects related to the syllabus. It will help you to get prepared for the exam. You need to make sure that you take part in online quizzes on a regular basis.

These previous years’ questions would be helping you a lot to analyze everything in an ideal manner. You will understand the difficulty level so that your performance would be enhanced indeed. If you are going to apply for this exam then you must start solving these previous year’s papers to understand your performance. You will be solving and can check out how much you have learned.


Final Thought –                           

This is how you should do your exam preparation to get a high score in the exam. Going sophisticatedly will make you have the expected score indeed. So, what are you waiting for? We wish you the best of luck.


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