Multiple personality disorder is the most interesting and dramatic of all the disorder. It is also known as dissociative identity disorder. This disorder is first reported in the …
We all go through ups and downs in our life. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s Struggles, setbacks, failures’ and disappointments. We all faces these kind of sadness Many …
Social phobias, as you may guess from its name, are persistent irrational fear associated with presence of other people. Remember how we sometimes get tongue tied at the interview …
Your Facebook page tells a lot about you, it says a study in the Brunel University of London. Study says that Peoples who regular posts about their relationship on …
Creativity is the ability to produce ideas, objects or problem solutions that are novel, appropriate and useful. It refers to originality and uniqueness of ideas that did not previously …
Body language is the communication of personal feeling, emotions, attitude, and thoughts through body movements. It is the way people unconsciously show their private thoughts and emotions through body …
Music is a common phenomenon that crosses all borders of nationality, race and culture. Music is one of the activities that involve using the whole brain .here is the …
Crying is the shedding of tears in response to an emotional state. We all cry. Crying is the part of our human emotional package. Here is the collection of …
Smiling has a positive effect on our well being but as we make transition from child to adult, we often tend to lose the habit of indulging in this …
Attraction is a liking or having the desire for a relationship with another person. Here is the collection of interesting psychological fact about attraction. The more attracted we are …